Clearwater Animal Clinic

Here at Clearwater Animal Clinic, we provide outstanding customer services while also offering your pet quality veterinarian services. We go above and beyond to uncover the root of the source, ultimately choosing the least harmful treatment method that puts your pet on a path to lasting recovery. Having access to a trustworthy veterinarian and reputable animal hospital can make a tremendous difference in your pet's care.


Preventative Care

Preventative care plays a crucial role in keeping your pet healthy long term. Our preventative care program includes such services as annual wellness exams, diagnostic testing, parasite control, vaccinations, dental care, spay and neuter procedures, and more. Wellness exams enable us to keep track of your pet's health. It is also a good way of detecting early signs of health conditions or diseases before the disease has a chance to spread. Early detection and treatment of health issues can improve your pet's chances of having a successful recovery.  

Dental Care

We recommend your pet has an annual dental exam and cleaning to maintain good oral health. A dental exam will uncover any dental issues your pet may have, such as plaque buildup, bleeding gums, broken teeth, abscesses, and periodontal disease, so we can properly treat these problems. A professional cleaning entails removing plaque and tartar, particularly under the gum line, and polishing your pet's teeth. Regular dental care will significantly enhance your pet's oral health.


Our animal hospital offers core and non-core vaccinations to keep your pet safe from infectious diseases. We will also customize a vaccination schedule for your kitten or puppy to maintain protection over the years. Core vaccines are essential to protect your pet from life-threatening diseases like rabies and distemper. Non-core vaccines can be given according to your pet's lifestyle and need. Our team will customize a vaccination schedule for your pet conducive to his or her age, breed, health, and lifestyle to ensure protection.

Nutritional Counseling

Pet owners often struggle with pet nutrition because they are unaware of their pet's dietary restrictions. It is also important to note that a pet's nutritional needs change as he or she ages. Our pet nutrition counseling services can help you better understand your pet's underlying issues. Our team will evaluate your pet while taking into consideration his or her size, age, and breed to create a nutritional plan that is right for your pet.  

See Us at Clearwater Animal Clinic for Quality Vet Care Services

We also offer nutrition consultation and in-house laboratory services that provide blood work, diagnostic ultrasounds, radiology, and x-rays for your pet. No matter when your pet may need help, we will be there for you. Our team at Clearwater Animal Clinic is here to provide you and your pet with quality veterinary service. Contact us today to see how we can help you and your animal.


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